Daniel commentary chapter 7

A thousand thousand waited on him, ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him. He ends up taking back the cream of the crop, the most elite and noble israelites, to serve at his court in babylon. Daniel 7 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on. They cover the same ground as nebuchadnezzars dream and give us in more detail, and from a different point of view, the same story. Daniel 7 bible commentary wesleys explanatory notes. His robe was white as snow, the hair of his head as pure as wool. In the first year of king belshazzar of babylon, daniel saw a dream and a vision of his mind in bed. Four great beasts, each different from the others, came up out of. Daniel 7 the seventh chapter of the book of daniel tells of daniels vision of four worldkingdoms replaced by the kingdom of god.

In the first year of belshazzar king of babylon daniel had a dream and visions of his head upon his. Daniel 7 commentary commentary critical and explanatory on the. David guzik commentary on daniel 7 explains the vision king belshazzar has about four beasts, and daniel interpreting the dream. That chapter should have followed both this and the succeeding. His throne was a blaze of flames, its wheels were a burning fire 10 a stream of fire poured out, issuing from his presence. An angelic guide interprets the beasts as kingdoms and kings, the last of whom will make war on the holy ones of god, but he. Four beasts come out of the sea, the ancient of days sits in judgement over them, and one like a son of man is given eternal kingship. Daniel 7 new international version niv daniels dream of four beasts. Book of daniel bible study commentary chapter 7 the times of the gentiles the earthly scene.

Also, the language of the chapter suggests that this is not merely a repetition of chapter 2. Daniel 7 daniels vision of future world history someone has well said that. Moreover, the vision of the son of man is the centerpiece of ot revelation concerning the messiah. The vision to be exposed in chapter 7 is dated during the year 553 b. Bible study commentary on the book of daniel chapter 7 concerning his vision and prophecy of the coming world empires book of daniel bible study commentary chapter 7 the times of the gentiles the earthly scene.

Daniel chapter 7 commentary northwest college of the bible. Daniel 7 bible commentary matthew henry concise christianity. Daniel 7 tells of daniels vision of four worldkingdoms replaced by the kingdom of god. Fortunately, jesus took away all doubt on the matter. The phrase son of man is retained here because of its use in the new testament as a title of jesus, probably based largely on this verse. As the expositors bible commentary explains, the lion symbol was. Daniel 7 commentary james burton coffman commentaries on. But there the four kingdoms, and messiahs final kingdom, were regarded according to their external political aspect, but here according to the mind of god concerning them, and their moral features. This chapter treats of the same subject as the second chapter. Commentary on daniel chapters 710 matthew janzen the vision of the four beasts daniel pt.

Apocalyptic language is composed of symbols that are often lurid in. In chapter 2 we saw the image of four metals symbolizing the four great world empires from daniels day to the end of time. Chapter 7 introduces the theme of the four kingdoms, which is that israel would come under four successive worldempires. Walvoord rightly remarks that chapter 7 is a high point in revelation in the book of daniel. For example, the book of daniel comes from the era 165 b. The use of aramaic and its place in the chiasm link it to the first half, while the use of daniel as firstperson narrator and its emphasis on visions link it to the second. Commentary on daniel chapters 710 ministers of the. Daniel 7 niv daniels dream of four beasts in bible. Apocalyptic literature usually comes out of difficult times. Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by daniel the prophet matthew 24. Then he wrote down the dream, telling the main facts.

One of the remarkable things about the book of daniel is that the section from chapter 2 through chapter 7 is written in a different language than the rest of the book. The four winds probably by the four winds of the great sea is signified commotions of contrary nations, striving together by wars, and producing these four beasts successively. He wrote the dream down, and this is how the narrative began. He especially desired to know respecting the little horn, which made war with the saints, and prevailed against. Take your bible, if you will, and lets look together at the book of daniel. Nov 12, 2012 the prophet daniel has a vision of four future empires and the coming son of man. Daniel 7 commentary matthew henry commentary on the. Daniel 7 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary, by the leading authority in the church of christ, presents a verse level look at the bible. He wrote down the substance of his dream 2 daniel said. The four empires are the same as nebuchadnezzar saw in his dream in daniel 2, although in that dream they are pictured as various metals in a statue. Daniel 7 niv daniels dream of four beasts in bible gateway. Practically all scholars, whether liberal or conservative, are convinced that the prophecy of this chapter follows the same pattern as that in dan. As we leave the first six chapters and enter chapter 7, we are leaving historical narrative behind and entering an apocalyptic section. Bible prophecy is happening right before our eyes and like birth pains, the predicted events are happening more.

In the first year of belshazzar, the king of babylon, daniel saw a dream, and the visions of his mind. For example, the book of daniel comes from the era. Daniel 7 commentary commentary critical and explanatory. Daniels dream of four beasts in the first year of belshazzar king of babylon, daniel had a dream, and visions passed through his mind as he was lying in bed. Apocalyptic language is composed of symbols that are often lurid in color, violent in tone, and easily remembered. Daniel 7 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this. He approached the ancient of days and was led into his presence. In my vision at night i looked, and there before me were the four winds of heaven churning up the great sea. It is assumed that all the visions will be understood in relationship to one another. The outward political history had been shown in its general features to the world. They cover the same ground as nebuchadnezzars dream and give us in more detail.

Thus far the majority of the book has been historical. The aramaic section of daniel begins in chapter 2 with nebuchadnezzars dream of the colossus and ends at the end of. But there the four kingdoms, and messiahs final kingdom, were. Thank god for the visions and dreams given in the book of daniel. The remainder is in hebrew, as is the rest of the old testament.

The prophet, having related some remarkable passages concerning himself and his brethren in captivity, and having given proof of his supernatural illumination in interpreting other mens dreams, proceeds to give an account of his own visions. Nebuchadnezzars vision in chapter 2 focuses on five kingdoms the four earthly kingdoms represented in the statue and the fifth eternal kingdom brought. Chapter 7 of daniel describes four beasts coming up from the mediterranean sea. The book of daniel begins with king nebuchadnezzar, the ruler of babylon, ransacking jerusalem. What did daniels vision represent, and what does it mean for us today. The prophet having, in the preceding chapters of this book, related some remarkable events concerning himself and his brethren in the captivity, and given proof of his being enabled, by divine assistance, to interpret the dreams of others, enters now into a detail of his own visions, returning to a period prior to the transactions recorded in the last chapter. The reason why the fifth chapter was put in an improper place was, that all the historic parts might be together. Daniel, chapter 7 king james version christian answers. In daniel 7 the prophet records a night vision that god gave him concerning four world empires, symbolized as four beasts daniel 7. Daniel 7, new international version niv the bible app.

Chapter 7 is pivotal to the larger structure of the entire book, acting as a bridge between the tales of chapters 16 and the visions of 712. The formula of introduction, i saw in the night visions, occurs here, as at daniel 7. Were having a wonderful time studying this wonderful prophesy in the book of daniel. Daniel 7 daniel s vision of future world history someone has well said that.

The book of daniel belongs to a category of literature called apocalyptic. The six former chapters of this book were historical. In my vision at night, i saw the four winds of heaven stirring up the great sea. They occurred apparently during his political retirement in the earlier years of belshazzar daniel 7. Christ, in union with his people, judged the wicked dead, comparing their acts with the statute book, the word of god, and deciding every case according to the deeds done in the body. The vision of the four beasts this and the vision in chapter 8 are the prophets dream and visions, and not the kings. May 03, 2020 daniel chapter 7 all the signs of the last days are converging at the same time. In the first year of belshazzar king of babylon, daniel had a dream and visions of his head while on his bed. Daniel draws out the connection between his vision in chapter 8 and that recorded in chapter 7 in 8. Daniel 7 commentary, one of over 110 bible commentaries freely available, this commentary is one of the most respected interdenominational commentaries ever written. Daniel 7 james gray concise bible commentary bible hub. What did daniel s vision represent, and what does it mean for us today.

In the first year of belshazzar king of babylon, daniel had a dream and. Daniel 7 commentary matthew henry commentary on the whole. What follows in this chapter, he wrote, is only a summary of what he saw. He wrote down the substance of his dream2 daniel said.

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